

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jenny Craig Locations

Jenny Craig is a global company. You can find Jenny Craig locations in countries like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Australia. Other locations include Puerto Rico and New Zealand. Most of the Jenny Craig centers are in the United States with over 566 altogether. Australia has the second most with 54 locations across the country and Canada comes in third with 49 locations. There are over 700 centers altogether. Jenny Craig plans continuing to branch out and offer their services around the world.

The benefit of having a Jenny Craig near you is that you can order food right from them, and you don’t have to pay shipping. You can also go to a Jenny Craig location to weigh-in and get face-to-face counseling. If you want to look for a job or find more information about Jenny Craig, you can find your closest center using the company’s website. Go to the Jenny Craig associated with your country, enter you information, such as state, province, zip code or region and find the center closest to your home. If you can’t find a location close to you, you can still participate in the program using their online services.


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