

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nutrisystem vs Jenny Craig : Which is the Better Program?

There are nearly limitless diet plans available to those looking to lose weight, but some of the more popular plans include prepared meals. This takes some pressure from the dieters, so they don’t have to prepare their own nutritious, low-calorie meals each day. Let’s compare two of these plans: Nutrisystem versus Jenny Craig.

Nutrisystem is a strictly online-based program. Dieters order food and have it delivered to their home. The food is largely dehydrated, shelf stable food. They don’t charge a membership fee or have a contract. Consultants are available online. Jenny Craig has online-based but it also has centers in many major cities. Dieters order food and have it delivered to a Jenny Craig center to save shipping or they have it delivered to their homes. There is a membership fee, which varies according to the current promotion, and a contract. However, users get personal, face-to-face counselling at the centers, live weigh-ins and a personal consultant. In online reviews, dieters prefer Jenny Craig’s food to be superior to Nutrisystems’ but find Jenny Craig to be more expensive. Nutrisystem can be about $300 a month and Jenny Craig is closer to $500. Prices range according to the individual program and location.


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